The Lacks’ Blindside Situation

In this unit, we read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks written by Rebecca Skloot. It takes us through Henrietta’s special journey in her life. She experienced things that normal humans don’t get to experience, however, it wasn’t a pleasant one. Having those special cells led to scientists wanting her dead body for experiments. Also, the…

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The Crucible | Abigail vs. Truman

In this unit, we read The Crucible written by Arthur Miller. People in the society of that time believe deeply in God. The unknown was seen as witchcraft and the devils’ work. That being said, it is a violation of God’s rules and respect and those who are guilty would be hanged publicly. During the…

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The Crucible | Hypocrites

During this unit, we read The Crucible written by Arthur Miller. It is a play that talks about the Salem Witch Hunt that happened in 1692 in Massachusetts. Salem was a city formed by Puritans, group of people that migrated to America to escape religious persecution, during the 1600s. They were strong believers and followers…

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The Crucible (Act 1) vs. Man on a Ledge

In the play The Crucible it presented examples of frustration about blatant lies someone tells and everyone else believes. People were accused of being witches and it was easy to point someone else. Despite the fact that most of the conspiracy were frauds, people believed and some were being dragged into the water even though they…

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Letter to Our Congress Person Project

Dear Mr. Jim Jordan, Our names are Renzo and Claudia, both sophomores in Kashousing American School. Our group includes several of the few survivors of the recent mass school shooting that took place in Kaohsiung and we are traumatized from the horrible experience. We would like the rules to be changed so this would not…

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The Taste Of Apples Novel Study

Image & Image TIEA In this assignment, we find the tension in the city and take a photo of it. An example of the tension would be rural vs urban in the city. Some buildings are never refreshed and some newer buildings have modern integrity. Throughout this unit, we learned how to identify tension and…

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The Government Should Increase the Consequences of Bullying

Speech Summative In this unit, we had to write a persuasive speech on our topic. My topic was about bullying, a social issue that is often said but forgotten. Raising the awareness of bullying is really important, we need a way to stop it. Increasing the consequences might not be the most effective way to…

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Behind the Closed Doors

Ever since I was a kid, I love watching movies. My first ever birthday celebration with my parents was in a movie theatre watching one of the greatest films of all time named Avatar. The movie with the blue people that shows how cruel humans could be when they want something. As I got older,…

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