Below are videos and pictures of my CAS Project. I’ve been doing hockey for my CAS project for a long time now. And it has finally reached the final stage of teaching the kids how to play hockey. The experience was great, it is amazing to see how the kids improved so much in just one week. The first week they had a 50minute session and this week they’ve already improved by a ton. I was lucky enough to get a group of kids who already know some basics in how to skate. They had to learn how to skate with a stick and use it. It was quite difficult for them in the beginning because their body coordination and balance are not as good as older kids. However, we are just at the second session and they’ve improved drastically, they are able to make relatively accurate passes and skate with the puck on their sticks. Also, they fall way less when playing, and it is awesome to see how enthusiastic they are during the mini scrimmages. This has basically been what I was wishing for and what I imagined. I wanted to see kids be very happy and enthusiastic playing the sport, they all seem to have lots of fun even if they fall at times. I also included a video of my friend and me playing, it shows how much he has improved. In the beginning of my project, it was difficult for him to stand and use his stick, however, he’s able to play in a game now and maneuver his sticks and skates as he wishes.




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