Everything people do online, on the internet will be there forever, even the private messages and browsing histories. Once it’s done it will be there forever. That means that everyone should be aware of what they are doing on the internet. Digital citizenship is the key concept for this topic. As you browse through the internet, you are a citizen of the internet. People spend a huge amount of time on social medias, but no one realizes that a lot of the things that they are doing online is unnecessary and some people does things that are harmful to people.

     Digital Citizen ship means to have empathy and respect everyone using the internet. One of the easiest examples would be commenting and posting things online. Giving rude and unnecessary comments on people’s post will be recorded, even if you regret posting the comment, the moment you realized that you will have to delete it, someone already has a copy of it, it’s too late to be deleted. The way you treat people online may be different than the way you treat people in real life. It’s way easier for people to lie and scam online than it is in real life, since, there’s always an anonymous mask covering them. However, the way you live online will affect the way you live in the real life, it changes who you are, people will start to realize that maybe you aren’t the nice person they know.
It is hard to be perfect, but trying your best anytime will benefit you in any way. Most universities check every single step you left online, even your private chat sometimes. For example, Havard rescinds a few students since they found horrible things on their private chats, one of them even mentioned “Hanging a Mexican kid is called Piñata time”. This is a clear example of what it means that people will see what you do. Be careful of what you are doing online, some important things can be said in real life, that is safer than anything, the online privacy is a lie, be aware of everything.

The Power of Social Media In College Admissions

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