Caveman Visit Earth
By: Belinda and Renzo
Bob bumped into a man dressed up in a funny costume. “Hey! Who are you?” cried Bob.
“I’m the caveman, dude,” answered the man in the funny costume.
“Cavemans don’t exist, take off your stupid custom.” Shouted Bob.
“NO!” Shouted caveman, “I don’t have any more shirts!”
“Ummmmmm………..” Bob mumbled as he thought. “Then I’ll buy you one!” answered Bob.
“Thanks!” shouted caveman, then he continued, “But where do I change?” asked caveman curiously.
“At my house! But first you need to take a shower.” giggled Bob.
“What’s a shower?” asked caveman.
“A shower is when you rinse all the germs off your body!” answered Bob.
“But I’m a caveman, caveman don’t take showers!” exclaimed caveman.
“Fine! I believe you’re a caveman!” Shouted Bob
“Thanks! I’m going back to the caveman country! See ya!” Caveman shouted and went back to his country.