Black Fish Response
By: Renzo
In class we watched a movie called Blackfish, and it’s talking about killer whales been capture to the aquarium which is something like seaworld and sea land. The killer whales get mad, frustrated and then now they started to kill the trainers.
I think they should capture them to this small place where you have no freedom and that’s why they kill people, they doesn’t belongs here. The sea world’s lawyer are also lying to people they said that it was all accident that the trainers drowned in the water but no the killer whales are frustrated, that’s why they kill people.
I think that we need to stop going to the shows where they keep fishes in tanks and they have no freedoms. If we stop going to the shows, then they get no more money, and then they will stop doing this besiunus. Now it is world peace for the animals !
Bellow you can watch the trailer of Black fish