New Year
By: Renzo
This chinese new year was fun and a-little-bit annoying. I went on the trip earlier than others because my mom made me skip 3 days of schools and I don’t know why. About annoying…… my mom was annoying in the night because she snores when she sleeps and my sister is annoying every time when I am scared.
Day 1~4
We’ve been driving every day but rest in day 3 because most of the time we are staying in the hotel, it’s fun because we can play, sleep, watch movies, eat in the hotel.
I want to talk about my first time that I went to a place in Taiwan where is -2.4ºc. The highest place in Taiwan 4000~5000m to the normal ground, I was shocked but all of my family was having fun.
Day 5~8
We are going to another hotel then go to my grandma and grandpa house, we’ve fun there because great foods and fun things and not so hot there
This vacation was awesome and I had a lot of experience.