Hey, this is a post about me and what I’m expecting for my CAS experience. I’m Renzo, I was born in Vancouver, Canada. I’m a kid who’s always motivated and does things that would make me happy. I believe that whatever I do, it should be improving a part of my life, I have to be happy with it. I always find something motivating to push myself a little bit more. However, there are a lot more things that I need to work on, I’m not very good at jumping into somewhere that I’m not used to. I don’t mind being in those difficult situations, but I would rarely step into it.

One of my interests are doing business, I’ve always looked up at the adults around me and everyone whom I admire in life does some sort of business. They know how to promote themselves as a person or how to make their lives more valuable. That brings me to my first point, having diversity in what I do. I’ve tried a little of everything, and I’ve always put major efforts into the ones that I enjoy doing. However, for those that I don’t enjoy, I normally do less or stop because I see it as a dead-end street where I wouldn’t improve myself, resulting in a waste of time. This leads back to one of my main interests is to study business. It involves a lot of risks but I’m not much of a good risk-taker. It sometimes requires taking a blind step and see what the others say. And that’s one of the learner profile traits I’d like to work on. I have a mentality to only do things that I’m able to complete in my best ability. When it comes to risk-taking, I don’t take a huge leap and I’d like to use activities in CAS to guide myself through the struggles of risk-taking.

Still, I’m not sure what activities I’d be conducting for my CAS, I know I’ll pick something I like, maybe revisit a hobby or learn something new. Or even use CAS as an excuse to push myself to do something that I’ve been wanting to do. Learning about how CAS work is fun, it’s flexible enough that I can fit what I want to do in the criteria, but it’s not so loose that there aren’t any guidelines. This is another trait that I believe is important, having the freedom to do what I like. I’m loyal to my goals and the freedom in CAS allows me to take actions on what I need to do.

Lastly, I’m looking forward to figuring out what I’d like to do for CAS. I usually know when is the time to quit. When goals aren’t so realistic anymore, there isn’t a point of wasting more time in doing it. I hope during my CAS experience I’d be able to pick something I truly enjoy and would push myself every time that I need to complete a task about my topic.

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