Effects of Coronavirus on Airline Industry

Written by Eric Chiang

One of the industries that are affected the most by the coronavirus is the Aviation industry. Many countries had closed their border reducing the need for air travel. However, as the world slowly emerges from restrictions. The need for air travel will soon return. With the returning air travel, the experience of air travel will be very different. 


Protective Equipment to remain a must

One of the biggest changes in the experience of air travel will be the need for masks and other protective equipment. Many countries have required all passengers to wear masks and other protection during the flight. Airlines will also have similar requirements providing their flight crews with personal protective equipment. There will also be more safety measures for international flights than shorter domestic routes.


Social Distancing 

With Coronavirus, it had brought with it a series of social distancing measures. People will be expected to distance themselves 1.5 or 2 meters from each other. With the social distancing, the airports will space out their check-in and security lines. Lounges in the airport will also be closed or reduced operation. During the flight, some airlines will also leave one seat empty in the middle, reducing the contacts between passengers.This may result in an abatement in airline profits.


Medical Test

In order to ensure that passengers are not bringing the virus into a country, some countries are providing medical tests upon arrival; however, medical tests require 8 hours to complete, thus forcing foreigners to remain in an assigned location until results are returned. 


Coronavirus had brought many changes to society. When people start to travel again, the experience of air travel will be very different from masks, social distancing, and medical tests. With the coronavirus, it will take a long time for the aviation industry to be operating back to normal.

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