The volleyball season has sadly came to an end. Before we switch gears into basketball, here are the highlights and achievements from ACAMIS and the girls TISSA varsity tournament for us to look back on.

Seniors on the team
Both boys and girls varsity volleyball teams flew to Hong Kong on October 18th to attend the ACAMIS tournament held in Renaissance College (RCHK).

Tournament schedule
In the Green Division, there are six total schools participating: Beijing City International School (BCIS), Discovery College (DC), Kaohsiung American School (KAS), Nord Anglia International School (NAIS), Renaissance College Hong Kong (RCHK), and Shanghai Community International School (SCIS).
Each team had to play at least 5 games with each school. Based on the outcome, each team played games that determined their place on the last day. Out of the 5 games, the girls volleyball team won one game against Discovery College, while the guys won 3 games against NAIS, DC, and SCIS. Due to this, the girls’ team played for the 5th and 6th place against Discovery College again, which they won, allowing them to secure 5th place in the overall tournament. Although this result wasn’t ideal, the girls volleyball team improved and bonded a lot as a team, as there were many new players this year.
On the other hand, the boys team played for 3rd and 4th place against SCIS and came out victorious. This allowed the boys to play for the championship game against RCHK. Our boys volleyball did not win, nevertheless, they did a great job and received 2nd place. Moreover, both the boys and girls team took home the sportsmanship award.

Girls ACAMIS Team

Boys ACAMIS Team in game mode

Second Place!

Sportsmanship award!
Girls TISSA Varsity Tournament

Nabbing 3rd Place!
A week after coming back from ACAMIS tournament, the girls volleyball team had another tournament coming up: girls TISSA varsity tournament. This time, however, the tournament was held in our very own gym. The other schools that participated were: American School in Taichung (AST), Ivy Collegiate Academy (ICA), I-Shou International School (IIS), Morrison Academy Kaohsiung (MAK), Morrison Academy Taichung (MAC), and Taipei European School (TES). The girls’ first match was against MAK. Although the girls didn’t win, they put up a good fight, resulting in a very close game. Next up, the girls were against ICA and our girls won. The third match was against MAC. The girls lost, but they were still eligible to play for the 3rd and 4th place against TES. It was a tight and nerve wracking game, but in the end, our girls pulled through and got bronze! This award couldn’t have been achieved without the help of parents, students, and teachers who helped cheer for the girls volleyball team.
All in all, this was a very successful season for both boys and girls volleyball teams, with silver for ACAMIS boys and bronze for varsity girls. Sadly, the TISSA varsity tournament held in KAS officially marked the end of volleyball season for girls. On a happier note, volleyball season for boys is not officially over yet, as there is still a boys TISSA varsity tournament coming up. Overall, good job dragons for putting on a great season!
*Photography credits go to Betty Fan (G12)