Project Students are working on a research project about extreme weather and this project will be completed by Thursday. The final draft should be PRINTED and TURNED IN by FRIDAY, October 27. This project will be used to ASSESS CRITERION D: Reflecting on the Impacts of Science Other Projects and Exam After October 27, students will prepare […]
Upcoming Math Assessment
Math Test for Unit 2: We are finishing Unit 2 in math. We will work on the final lesson of the unit on Monday, then on Tuesday, students will receive a study guide for the test. The test will be given in two parts on Thursday, October 26 and Friday, October 27. The test will measure […]
Spirit Week
Spirit Week October 23 – 27
Student Led Conferences
Student / Parent / Teacher Conferences This is a friendly reminder about conferences on Friday, October 20. If you plan to attend conferences, please plan to bring your child. It is important that they attend as all sixth graders can understand how to set and achieve learning goals. Middle School conferences are all held inside […]
Hurricane Harvey Fundraising Project
Weather Unit: During our weather unit, students are learning how to understand weather; how to predict the weather; and how weather affects our lives: Statement of Inquiry: Weather, a complex interaction between many systems, is important to our lives and affects the citizens of the planet in many ways. Inquiry Questions: What are the systems […]
Water Cycle Thinglinks
In science, students are learning about Earth’s atmosphere and how it is made up of different layers. Students learned that the Troposphere is known as the “weather layer.” We can find all the weather systems in the Troposphere. Students also learned one of the main factors of weather is water and namely the water cycle. […]
How Children Learn
I came across a couple of interesting videos this week about how children learn. The first one allows us to remember that children need to be able to explore in order to learn. Sometimes we try to put kids in a box and forget their brains are wired to explore and take risks in order […]
Checking Progress on PowerSchool
Checking Progress on PowerSchool My colleague, Victor Boulanger, made this presentation to help clarify how to find the MYP Assessment scores in PowerSchool. I think it is simple to follow and understand. Two Important Points: 1. Make sure that you are in the “Standards Grades” section. 2. Make sure that you are viewing through “Standards […]
Unit 2 Resources
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