Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking was a famous physicist from the UK. He is famous for his work on The Black Hole Theory and the Theory of Relativity. Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, and he died this year on March 14, 2018 from complications with the disease, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), or commonly known […]
Tranquil Mind and Body Wellness Spa Logo Design
Tranquil Mind and Body Wellness Spa Logo Designs: This is Lionel’s design as an example. Students used geometry skills to create a logo design and communicate their knowledge about geometry constructions. In our math class, we learned about different geometric constructions. Students inquired about and practiced different geometric constructions, then they needed to construct a […]
Example Bibliography
In class, we reviewed how to create a bibliography correctly. Below is an example bibliography:
Human Head Transplant
Have you heard about the first human head transplant? It was supposed to take place this December. Valery Spiridonov has a degenerative disease and wanted to volunteer to be the patient in the first human head transplant. Surgeons would take his head and attach it to a new body. Here is an interview with Valery from […]
Unit 3 Resources
Prepare for the Unit 3 Test We are almost finished with unit 3. Please remember that there are resources and vocabulary cards located in Google Classroom. You can also see the resources below: Vocabulary Below is the vocabulary from Unit 3:
How to be an Upstander
In Advisory Class we learned that we need to be UPSTANDERS instead of BYSTANDERS when someone is being bullied. The same ideas hold true in the case of cyberbullying. If you are a witness to bullying in person or online, it is important to help the victim. There are many ways you can become an […]
Learning How to Use the Microscope
In science, we were learning how to use the microscope. We got some slides that were premade. We looked at many specimens and drew our observations in our lab books. For example, Saaya observed part of a tulip. Here is what a tulip looks like in the world: Photo From: Wikipedia – […]
Million Dollar Project
In math class, the students need to do THE MILLION DOLLAR PROJECT. You can see their finished projects in their blog posts. This one is an example from Austin Chang:
Science Journal App
Science Journal Google App I found a bit of information about this Science Journal Google App for your phone. If you have a phone, perhaps you can see if you can download it. Here is a video that describes it a bit and at the end, it gives information where to download the App. However, […]
Extreme Weather
Extreme Weather Reports In Science Class Students were asked to research different types of extreme weather conditions. They wrote reports and posted these reports to their websites. You can visit the Share@KAS websites to view their work. This is an example from Diem-Mi