Digital Citizenship

In class, we visited different websites and played different games to teach us about digital citizenship and being safe on-line. Below are the links to all of the sites we visited and a description of what I learned at that site.

Twalkers taught me about walking and texting at the same time. This is very dangerous because you can fall in a hole or get hit by a car or just run into other people, and that is rude.

Share Jumper
Share Jumper is a game that teaches people about what to share and what not to share on-line. Sometimes we share too much information about ourselves and that could be dangerous. We should be careful about not sharing personal information about ourselves on-line. Also, this game talks about having respect for other people and we don’t need to share embarrassing photos about other people, or we need to remember to try and only share important and inspiring things on-line.

Search Shark
This website was very important for students. It talked about the importance of searching for information properly and how to narrow your search or how to find trustworthy sources. Remember that anyone can post anything and not everything you find on-line is true.

This game is trying to teach us about cyberbullying and showing us how to be an upstander. For example, if someone makes a rude comment in a chat, you can stick up for the victim by telling the writer that he/she is not nice, or you can tell the victim not to listen to the writer and invite the victim to play with you.

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