Who Was Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking was a famous physicist from the UK.  He is famous for his work on The Black Hole Theory and the Theory of Relativity.  Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, and he died this year on March 14, 2018 from complications with the disease, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), or commonly known as “the Lou Gehrig disease.”

In class, we watched a biographical movie about Stephen Hawking’s life called The Theory of Everything.  This movie was very inspiring because it told the story about Stephen Hawking when he was diagnosed with ALS during his first couple of years in university.  The doctor told him that he only had two years to live.  Even with this grave news, Stephen Hawking prevailed.  He did not let this disease stop him from inspiring others and studying his theories.  Below is a movie trailer of this movie:

Stephen Hawking went on to become a university professor, an author and one of the most well-known scientists of all time. Hawking wrote or co-wrote a total of 15 books in his lifetime, even with such a debilitating disease as ALS. One of his most famous books is A Brief History of Time which offers an overview of space and time and the possibilities of an existence of God.  This was his first book and it has sold over 10 million copies worldwide.

Stephen Hawking died on March 14, 2018.  When he was 21 years old, he was first diagnosed with ALS, however, he died at the age of 76.  He was told he only had two years to live; however, he lived a full life and is survived by three children.  He will always be known in history as one of the most progressive scientists of all time.  He wanted to know “the theory of everything,” and what is really inspiring is that he shared his knowledge with the world despite his limitations caused by ALS.  We should all learn to be more like Stephen Hawking.

“Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.”     Stephen Hawking

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