Living Systems

During our next unit in Science we will learn about living systems. Students will investigate about different water ecosystems and how humans have impacted the balance of life. It is plain and simple; our fresh water resources and ocean resources are critically in need of attention
. How can we help?

This article is about a 20 year old boy who claims he has invented a way to clean the plastics out of Earth’s oceans: 20 Year Old Claims He Can Rid the World’s Oceans Of Plastic

This is another article about Yap, an island in the Pacific in Micronesia, and they are banning the use of all plastic bags. A Small Island Takes a Big Stand on Plastic

What can we learn in the next 2 months of school and what can we do to make a difference?

Don’t forget Earth Day is April 22, but let’s think about Earth all year. GIVE EARTH A HAND:

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