Category: Uncategorized
4K Swimming class photos
4K Community Building- Stacking the cups
4K Photos at the beginning of this semester
Spirit Week
Wear red this Friday, October 16
Dear 4M Families,
On Friday after the fire drill at 8:30 we will be taking our whole school photo on the field. Please let your kid wear red on that day as we will be making up the heart in the picture.
Thank you!
Reading Buddies
Dear 4M Families,
This year our class will meet up with their reading buddies from kindergarten.
4M Book Orders
Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every $1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20¢ in Scholastic Rewards to order books for our classroom library.
Please place your order online by October 5th, 2020.
4M Assembly Performance
Dear 4M Families,
Please enjoy this video of our class’s performance of a respect song for the elementary school assembly last week. They worked hard to learn the lyrics, plan their dance movements, and use skits to illustrate the concepts for younger children. They did a great job!
Ms. McNally
4M Geography
In our current social studies unit we are focusing on the geography of Taiwan and students are building their map skills and knowledge of landforms using tools like Google Earth and Google My Maps. Today, students worked in collaborative partnerships to engage in a geography quest using Google Earth. It was so fun to hear the “oohs” and “ahhs” and students learned how to use Google Earth to “fly” into destinations like YuShan or the Penghu islands. Many students were even able to locate the school or their favorite restaurants and malls! We will continue to explore various functions of these platforms, including pinning locations, calculating distances, and learning information such as population sizes, elevations, and river lengths.
Please enjoy this peek into our classroom during today’s exploration. Don’t worry – the video is hosted by YouTube, but unlisted meaning only those with the link from our class website can access it :).