MAP Practice Test

Dear Fourth-Graders,

If you would like to practice for the MAP test next week on your own, here is the link:

The username is grow. The password is also grow. All lowercase letters.

Remember that the Reading MAP is next week and Language and Math MAP the following week.

See you Monday!

Ms. McNally

Scholastic Book Clubs

Dear 4M Families,

Thank you for the kind and thoughtful teacher appreciation gifts and cards last week! We hope your children were able to share the poems and crafts they made in class with you for Mother’s Day this weekend.

If you would like to order Scholastic books in time for summer reading, here is the link:

Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every $1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20¢ in Scholastic Rewards.

Please place your order online by May 17th, 2021.

Thank you,

Ms. McNally

4M May End of Year Assessment Dates

Dear 4M Families,

Please see the end of year assessment dates below for your reference.

Please make sure students come to school on-time, well-rested, and fed on these days, so they can do their best on the assessments.

NWEA MAP Reading – Tuesday, May 17 & Wednesday, May 18     8:30-9:30 am

NWEA MAP Language -Tuesday, May 25      10 – 11 am

NWEA MAP Math – Thursday, May 27           10 – 11 am

Extended Time/Make-ups    Friday, May 21 & Friday, May 28

Students who want additional time on the assessment will be provided with extended time. The timed sessions represent how long it takes a typical student to finish.

Fountas & Pinnell Reading Assessments (Student reads aloud and interprets text 1:1 with teacher) –

Individual assessments administered each day May 17- May 28

Thank you for your attention to this and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns,

Ms. McNally


Dear Fourth Grade Families,

Please plan to have your children attend the conference with you. They’ll spend a few minutes at the beginning of the conference sharing their socio-emotional and academic reflections with you. The idea is for them to get more comfortable communicating about their own progress, challenges, and successes, as in middle school they will need to begin leading the conferences themselves.

If you feel there is anything we need to discuss privately later on, we can have your child step out after they’ve shared their reflections.

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this.

Ms. McNally

Opinion & Persuasive Writing

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

We are currently working on a unit on persuasive writing, an important genre in fourth grade. Students are learning to write essays that state a clear and important thesis and support their thesis with a variety of types of evidence, such as stories, examples, and quotations. They are learning to structure essays into introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions and to use transition phrases to make the relationships between their ideas and evidence clear.

I am attaching here a couple examples of the type of work that is expected in our Writer’s Workshop curriculum. Please click the links below to take a look. A fourth grade example and a fifth grade example are included to give you an idea of the work that would meet and would exceed expectations.



Let me know if you have any questions about this.


Ms. McNally