Dear 4M Families,
Please see the end of year assessment dates below for your reference.
Please make sure students come to school on-time, well-rested, and fed on these days, so they can do their best on the assessments.
NWEA MAP Reading – Tuesday, May 17 & Wednesday, May 18 8:30-9:30 am
NWEA MAP Language -Tuesday, May 25 10 – 11 am
NWEA MAP Math – Thursday, May 27 10 – 11 am
Extended Time/Make-ups Friday, May 21 & Friday, May 28
Students who want additional time on the assessment will be provided with extended time. The timed sessions represent how long it takes a typical student to finish.
Fountas & Pinnell Reading Assessments (Student reads aloud and interprets text 1:1 with teacher) –
Individual assessments administered each day May 17- May 28
Thank you for your attention to this and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns,
Ms. McNally