Claire's Blog

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Category: Science

Intro To Chemistry Reflection

How much did you know about chemistry when we started?

Before this unit, I already had a fairly good understanding of the topics we were about to learn. Still, I learned plenty of new things throughout the unit, such as the names for a few lab equipments, and a new format in doing stochiometry.

What learner profile best describes your approach to this unit?

I think the communicator best describes my approach to this unit of chemistry. Because I already had previous understanding on this topic, I spent the majority of my time teaching my classmates stochiometry. Teaching stochiometry for others to understand takes another piece of effort because it is required to have full understanding of the topic while teaching it. Phrasing concepts in a way that is understandable and interesting was another whole new lesson for me.

Considering you will have Chemistry next year in G9–how will you prepare for the class over the summer?

In order to prepare for the chemistry next year, I will read more articles online during the summer in order to be more familiar with more chemical properties and reactions. This would help me gain more knowledge on this subject for next year’s chemistry class.

What is one goal you will set for yourself for the Chemistry class next year?

One goal I will set for myself for the chemistry class next year is to gain more understanding on the properties and reactions of more common chemicals.

Unit 5 Waves Unit Reflection

What was the hardest part of this task? Easiest?

I think the hardest part of this task was creating the actual string instrument. Since I made a mistake in planning the procedures of producing the instrument, it was especially difficult for me to insert the rubberband into the holes of the box. I overcame this problem by using all types of tools I could find in the house. The easiest part of this task was the experimenting. In my experimenting, all that was required was to use an online decibel meter to measure the loudness of the sound made by the instrument.

One of the Approaches to Learning (ATL) suggested for Science in the MYP  is stated below: Social skills–Practise giving feedback on the design of experimental methods. Discuss the statement above as you reflect on your planning and building of your instrument.

Since there weren’t procedures the teacher gave in this task, this project required us to do all the planning of procedures on our own. Of course, there are times when I became confused with what I was doing since everything was planned by myself and there were no aids in the process of creating. Still, this motivated me to experience more failures in order to produce a successful instrument. After finishing the first string instrument, I had a better idea and exact procedures of what I was supposed to do, so creating the project became easier towards the end.

How successful was your instrument in the 5 tests? Which test(s), if any, did your instrument fail?   Be honest! Discuss your ideas on how to improve your instrument.

My instrument was successful in 5 tones, one octave, appearance, integrity, but was not successful in amplitude. During the “performance”, the teacher wasn’t able to hear my instrument well since I used the instrument that had the smallest resonance chamber. One improvement I could make is to change the materials of the string. The rubber band wasn’t able to stretch well, so I made the strings too loose causing it to lose amplitude.

Discuss why you built the instrument you did? Do you play a similar instrument? Was it an instrument you thought would be easy to be successful building, intrigued or challenged you?

I built this string instrument because I think string instruments has a special tone in their sound that is very attractive and calming. I play the violin, which makes it easier for me to design my own string instrument. When I was deciding which instrument to build, I wanted to take a risk and create a guitar from scratch. During the process, I learned a lot from handmade instruments and was intrigued by the amount of knowledge a simple instrument can lead to.

Lab Report

Unit 4 Energy Reflection

The learning profile I think I demonstrated most while creating this persuasive research paper was being an inquirer. Throughout the process, I put in a lot of effort into using different sources to find information on the advantages and disadvantages of geothermal energy.

Lever Investigation

  1. What were your contributions to the success of your group’s lesson presentation?  Be specific.   What parts did you research, what parts of the experiment did you have responsibility for, what were your responsibilities for the lesson preparation and presentation? Our presentation is divided into five sections, the background information, the lab investigation, the materials and procedures, the data results, and the conclusion. In this project, I contributed to the background information, the question, the hypothesis, and the data results and analysis.
  2. Describe one part of this project that was a challenge?   How did you respond to this challenge? One challenge of the project was calculating the distance the load has traveled when we are elevating it to 10 centimeters. Since it was a curved distance, it couldn’t be measured by the ruler. As a result, I figured out a method to solve the problem using trigonometry.   
  3. Describe what you most enjoyed about the project? What part are you most proud of–that you say “WE DID GREAT”? I think we did great in summarizing our knowledge about the lever into the presentation. We had good organizational structures and it helped a lot when we were working on the presentation.
  4. Long after this project has ended, what parts of the experience will you remember?  I will remember the time when I had trouble figuring out the distance when I suddenly thought of the equation to calculate the data to the most precise value. I felt it was a good thing to apply something I just learned to an experiment. 

Evaporation – A New Energy Source?

This is my current event presentation about how evaporation has a possibility of becoming a new energy source.

Summary and Reflection on Mitosis and Meiosis

In the past, we learned about reproduction from a giant view. We were taught to understand the functions of reproductive organs, and we were aware that sexual reproduction occurs when a sperm meets an egg. This year, our class looked at reproduction again but explored this subject from a more microscopic view. We focused on the two methods of cellular reproduction: mitosis and meiosis.

Mitosis occurs in body cell reproduction for eukaryotic cells, while prokaryotic cells can simply go through binary fission to make an identical copy of itself. As a cell goes through the interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis, it results into two identical cells with the same number of chromosomes and the same set of genes. Below are the procedures to mitosis:

Interphase: The interphase is the first stage of the eukaryotic cell cycle. In interphase G1, the cell grows bigger to prepare itself. In interphase S, the chromosomes in the cell duplicate itself so that the two cells end up to have the same number of chromosomes.

Prophase: The prophase is when mitosis begins. It is also the phase of a cell cycle where chromosomes become visible as they condense into rodlike structures.

Metaphase: The nuclear membrane dissolves and paired chromatids line up at the equator of the cell.

Anaphase: The sister chromatids separate to move to opposite sides of the cell as microtubules that come out from the centrioles attach onto the centromeres of the chromosomes.

Telophase: The microtubules pull the sister chromatids apart as a nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes.

Cytokinesis: The cell pinches itself into two for the cells without cell walls. If the cell contains a cell wall, a cell plate forms between the two new cells.

In meiosis, the cell duplicates itself one time but divides itself two times. Meiosis occurs to produce sex cells. Sex cells (eggs or sperms) have half the number of chromosomes in body cells, which means they are haploid cells. For example, humans have 46 chromosomes in their body cells, but in their sex cells, there are only 23 unpaired chromosomes because two sex cells will eventually join together to create a zygote that has 46 paired chromosomes.

We learned these complicated methods of cellular reproduction by doing worksheets from the textbook and watching videos about this subject. I also found looking at the onion cell images interesting, but it would definitely make a better learning experience if we can examine onion cells through a real microscope. In the future, I hope we can have more class discussions and actual teaching instead of learning on our own.

Both mitosis and meiosis play an important role in cellular reproduction. Meiosis helps to create a new individual with genetic variability so that the organism has a higher chance to adapt to the changing environment. On the other hand, mitosis creates clones of the original cell to help an individual grow and develop. I think learning about mitosis and meiosis is fascinating since they are essential factors of keeping us alive and making each of us different.

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