“ADHD is a disorder, not a decision.”

In this unit, we chose a topic to address from the book we are reading (The Defense of Thaddeus A. Ledbetter by John Gosselink) I chose ADHD as my topic since the main character Thaddeus has the disorder and had to experience all sorts of injustice throughout the book. From this topic, I made a PSA that advocated this issue to inspire change to our views towards those with ADHD. Through this video, I hope people can start to accept those around them with ADHD, and treat them not only with equality, but with equity.


In this unit, we also had a deeper understanding of how to write a good TIEA. Below is my TIEA on standing up for others and being brave to follow what they believe is right despite other people’s influences on their thoughts.


In the text “The Defense of Thaddeus A. Ledbetter”, John Gosselink demonstrated the idea of standing up for others to ensure everyone has equity and equality when Mr. Cooper stood up for Thaddeus to prevent Thaddeus from experiencing further injustice. In response to the document of inconsequential offenses Mrs. Dixon wrote to put Thaddeus back in ISS, Mr. Cooper replied “Let’s give him a chance. And Jane, with all due respect, maybe you should listen to some of his suggestions.” (228)  Mr. Cooper’s change in character throughout the story resulted in learning to stand up for those who need additional support in life. As Mr. Cooper came to understand the intentions and thoughts of others, he began the realize the importance of treating others with equity and equality. He grew braver to stand on the side he thinks is right though he started off as a circumspect person who was afraid to be on Thaddeus’ side. People should not be afraid of saying what they believe is right no matter how unpopular it may be, especially when it comes to defending the rights of others. In fact, standing up for the rights of others is more powerful than standing up for one’s own rights in some ways. When people try to gain rights for those in need, those who remain quiet may as well become the victims of injustice. Even though standing up to injustice may also mean losing friends and gaining enemies, it is more important to know that as the people around in need are finally treated with equity and equality, the world would become a stronger and more comfortable place for everyone, even for those who need additional support, to live in.

MLA citation:
Gosselink, John. Defense of Thaddeus A. Ledbetter. Amulet Books, 2010.

Another part of this unit was discussions. Discussions allow us to think critically about the events that happened in the book, analyze the style of the text, and communicate our thoughts with each other. Below is a video of our group’s discussion on The Defense of Thaddeus A. Ledbetter.
