A Solution for the Conservation of Polar Bears

Conservation of polar bears is something that needs to be done; not only for their survival, but for the survival of our planet. The global warming that is melting their habitat has been mostly caused by the carelessness of humans, and we aren’t doing anything to help. Strangely enough, going vegetarian might help out polar bears a lot more than we might think. Worldwide meat production actually emits more greenhouse gasses than global transportation does. Maybe it’s time to go vegetarian…remember, you are the problem, but you are also the solution.

Citation: S.A. (2009, March). How meat contributes to global warming. Retrieved May 23, 2013 from http://www.all-creatures.org/articles/env-howmeat.html

3 thoughts on “A Solution for the Conservation of Polar Bears

  1. Global warming also cause Coral reefs to bleach! Also, just a random fact, another reason for not eating beef is red meat might be unhealthy.

    1. No that’s not! Beef is very healthy —- especially high in protein! Have you ever wonder that Jeremy Lin ate beef and eggs everyday?

  2. Maybe Paulie Bear, you should save your Paulie Bears from extinction by not enjoying AC everyday! Is that possible…..!? I thought that Eric Shih’s comment is impossible to do. Child needs to eat beef though —- since it’s high in protein, except my dad doesn’t eat beef anymore and wishes me don’t eat beef anymore when I reach adulthood….

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